Bellwether International responds to freedom of religion or belief in pre- and post- genocide communities protecting human rights for all. Help us make a global impact through our locally-led model by joining our Glocal Community.
Freedom of religion or belief can prevent genocide.
3 genocides in 10 years
Targeting freedom of religion or belief for
Yazidis in Iraq
Uighurs in China
Rohingya in Myanmar/Burma
Our Model
Collaborating directly with the communities affected by religious freedom and genocide, our interventions are locally designed, and locally implemented. Every community project centers on the following four pillars for sustainable and lasting change.

Education occurs in the home with families and neighbors, and whoever you claim as family and neighbors. Our education programs aim to build society from the family locus, outwards and upwards.
Religious and belief systems have incredible potential to close the gender gap and provide equal opportunity, advocacy against gender-based violence, and inclusivity.

Our world is experiencing unprecedented numbers of refugees with over 26.0 million refugees in the world—2.1 million people have been displaced because of religion in Nigeria alone. We seek to help groups such as the 909,000 Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar who have been displaced since March 2019.
Gule, Iraq
"Before therapy, I decided I would never return to Sinjar and that I just wanted this life to end. Now I feel more in control especially because I am not having nightmares anymore. I want to go back to my house, see my farm, and restart what my family had left behind...”
Justus, Nigeria
"We were living in Borno when Boko haram came to attack us. Because of the crises in my village my father had to relocate us to Jos, Plateau state. I want to thank Bellwether for their support and for the books and bags they sent to us. God bless Bellwether and help them in all their endeavors."
Ewa, Poland
"Thank you very much for a lot of food for our neighbors from Ukraine. Their joy is
our joy. You are wonderful."